How do I know this is true? I live it every day. Once I let go of my anger and hurt, I met the man I now call my husband. I did find someone better that does deserve me and all that I have to give. I don't question where he is when he leaves my side, and I have never even felt the urge to check his voicemail. We have the type of relationship that really does last forever. Waking up next to him every morning makes all those times I thought I was "so in love" seem so very insignificant.
Where karma comes into play. One of my previous relationship endeavors (names will be left out) that ended with him cheating on me with his ex girlfriend and moving across to country to be with her was recently brought to my attention. She ended up cheating on him after he followed her. When I saw his post with that information, I actually didn't think any of the things I thought I would. I should have been thinking, "I told you so," or "karma got ya, bitch!" I didn't. No, I felt sorry for him. It's odd how you wait and wait for karma to show her face, but she does it after your pain and anger are gone. What you thought would be "sweet revenge" actually turns into pity. This person that hurt you so bad now just isn't important anymore. It turns into more of a reminder to live right and treat others fairly with love and respect whether they deserve it or not because something bigger than you will take care of them.
My life advice: Live your life the best you can, be altruistic, and remember that other people are usually doing the best they can. You will never be punished for doing good, and karma will take care of those that take advantage of the good ones. Trust me, I've seen it..